Aline Dia

Dr. Dia completed her Ph.D. degree in 1988 at the Paris Cité University and the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris. After a postdoc as a Research Scientist at the Department of Earth Sciences of Cambridge (U.K.), Dr. Dia has been a CNRS Researcher in Paris (1990) and then in Rennes since 1994. Experienced trace-metal and isotope geochemist, Dr. Dia worked on trace metal source fingerprinting and transfer in different Earth’s compartments and processes affecting their fate, notably within wetlands and the Critical Zone, with a focus on the key role played by colloids and nanoparticles (natural and engineered) as trace element vectors within the environment. She has also been working on Rare Earth Elements since her Ph.D. as source tracers and since now considered as both critical elements and emergent contaminants to understand the parameters and processes governing their transfer and dissemination within the environment and especially at the Water/Soil/Plant interfaces. She is currently the Deputy Leader of the running MSCA- EuroPean trAining NetwOrk on Rare eArth elements environMental trAnsfer: from rock to human ITN project (so-called PANORAMA). Dr. Dia has also been an Institute Project Officer of the French CNRS-National Institute of Universe Sciences for Earth Sciences and Astronomy since 2011 and as such, involved in different evaluation and research committees devoted to environmental sciences.