A workshop co-convened by the University of Arizona and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), France

As global changes hit environments and societies, human health faces new challenges. While health & the environment is a research area of exceptional strength at the University of Arizona, France's National Center for Scientific Research is making of it one of his top priorities for interdisciplinary global science. To identify their strongest synergies and outline a common research agenda for unique achievements at global scale, UArizona and CNRS co-convene a workshop on November 16th in a hybrid format (in-person meeting in Tucson Arizona, and online participation via Zoom). The program will include five sessions followed by a general discussion:
- The OneHealth perspective
- Climate change and governance for resilience
- Environmental contaminants and health impacts
- Climate change and health equity
- Climate change and infectious diseases
See the appended PDF for a full version of the program, including the list of contributors and link for registration (free but mandatory).