Planar Carbenium F-Element complexes for quantum technologies


  • Thomas Gianetti, Chemistry and Biochemistry, UArizona

  • Grégory Nocton, Laboratoire de Chimie Moléculaire


Quantum Technologies are at the forefront of current research. A significant limitation of the current technologies is the scalability of the spin carriers that feature long coherence time (superposition of states), such as single nuclei, magnetic atoms, or defects. Tailored molecules or Single Ion Magnets (SIM) are a very appealing alternative because molecular engineering shall help solve the scalability issue. Yet, efficient molecular qubits based on SIM remains rare due to fast de-coherence, which is induced by the interactions between the metallic ion and its environment. This collaboration proposes the synthesis and use of an innovative class of low-valent f-element complexes with an adapted trigonal planar carbocation ligand, designed to overcome the current limitations. The intrinsic properties of the ligand will allow the preparation of stimuli-responsive devices, while its proximity to an f-element ion will dramatically increase the coherence time, thus enabling the realization of quantum algorithms