Image 2021 -Rock-plant interactions driving early soil development and landscape evolution The interaction between abiotic and biological processes is crucial to understand the development of life on Earth and the ecosystem services. Natural highly heterogeneous landscapes that support life develop through biological and abiotic processes at the interface of atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere. Despite their importance to natural ecosystems and humanity, we still lack good understanding of the mechanisms of landscape formation. Read more Image Agency / Expectation / Intention / Opposition / Unpredictability: How language makes sense of influences on our actions Our actions are influenced not only by our own intentions and expectations but also by circumstances, feelings, and norms. Language provides a window into how we conceptualize opposing and congruent influences; moreover, different languages reveal different ways minds can package these concepts. Yet state-of-the-art formal semantic frameworks do not permit a rich representation of influences. Instead, this project's starting point will be a formal framework (causal models) that originated outside of linguistics. Read more Image aRgumentation tHeory And natural language ProceSSing fOr e-DemocracY (RHAPSSODY) The RHAPSSODY project proposes an automated reasoning platform to extract, understand, and reason with complex arguments. The project is based on combining computational argumentation theory with natural language processing. This approach will identify the most essential arguments listed on debate platforms, estimate the acceptability degrees of these arguments using information mined from the web, and using the totality of the arguments, estimate the decision that will be taken. Read more Image Atmospheric Structure & Haze Formation On Titan (AtmoHaze) Seed and fruit crops both depend on pollination, a process highly sensitive to heat. At elevated temperatures, pollen tubes fail to grow through the female pistil tissues and deliver sperm cells in ovules for fertilization and seed formation. An increase in average worldwide temperatures will thus undermine crop productivity. In this proposal, we propose to study LARP6C protein in tomato, previously identified by the CNRS team, using many state-of-the-art procedures to understand its potential roles in pollen tube growth under permissible and HS temperatures Read more Image Beyond the mean: plant functional diversity and the maintenance of rare phenotypes in plant communities Analyzing the drivers of the vulnerability of species and ecosystems to environmental changes is critical. Functional trait ecology has brought standardized protocols to analyze the response of numerous species on a physiological basis simultaneously. However, it lacks a theoretical corpus, which impedes a deep exploration of the underlying mechanisms and limits predictions. Rooted on adaptive dynamics theory, we will focus on the dynamics of local physiological optima and community-level trait distributions (TD) around them and provide theoretical expectations. Read more Image Chance Constrained Games for Energy Management under Uncertainty We focus on applied problems where it is necessary to make optimal decisions in the presence of risk and uncertainty together with dependence between the random events, where the source of uncertainty is twofold. One component of uncertainty is exogenous and results from substantially incomplete knowledge of important dependent problem data, like demand for goods and services, weather conditions, prices for commodities, high-impact technical failures, and other disruptions occurring with low probability. Read more Image Cryovolcanism and Space Weathering on Europa Seed and fruit crops both depend on pollination, a process highly sensitive to heat. At elevated temperatures, pollen tubes fail to grow through the female pistil tissues and deliver sperm cells in ovules for fertilization and seed formation. An increase in average worldwide temperatures will thus undermine crop productivity. In this proposal, we propose to study LARP6C protein in tomato, previously identified by the CNRS team, using many state-of-the-art procedures to understand its potential roles in pollen tube growth under permissible and HS temperatures Read more Image Digital Twin for Surgical Training and Tailored-made Surgery (DT4Surgery) A digital twin (DT) is a model of a real system, which automatically learns and continually updates to represent the dynamics of the system in near real-time, using sensor data that reflect various aspects of its operating conditions, human experts with relevant domain knowledge, and its environment. However, this recent concept does not yet benefit from support tools for its effective implementation. Read more Image extRasolar lIfe by adVancing Imaging and spEctRoscopy of exoeArth (RIVIERA) Seed and fruit crops both depend on pollination, a process highly sensitive to heat. At elevated temperatures, pollen tubes fail to grow through the female pistil tissues and deliver sperm cells in ovules for fertilization and seed formation. An increase in average worldwide temperatures will thus undermine crop productivity. In this proposal, we propose to study LARP6C protein in tomato, previously identified by the CNRS team, using many state-of-the-art procedures to understand its potential roles in pollen tube growth under permissible and HS temperatures Read more Image Heat tOlerant TOmato Pollen in Cultivars (HOtTOPIC) Seed and fruit crops both depend on pollination, a process highly sensitive to heat. At elevated temperatures, pollen tubes fail to grow through the female pistil tissues and deliver sperm cells in ovules for fertilization and seed formation. An increase in average worldwide temperatures will thus undermine crop productivity. In this proposal, we propose to study LARP6C protein in tomato, previously identified by the CNRS team, using many state-of-the-art procedures to understand its potential roles in pollen tube growth under permissible and HS temperatures Read more Image Investigation of atmoSpheric cloud-Particle Interactions with cross-disciplinary student Research Experiences Climate change is an important component of several concurrent global environmental changes that also affect human health – often interactively. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report underscores that our understanding of the links between climate, climate change, and human health has increased considerably in recent decades. However, there are still many gaps in knowledge about likely future patterns of exposure to climatic-environmental changes, and about the vulnerability and adaptability of physical, ecological, and social systems to such climate change. Read more Image Martian Ice Distribution and Dynamics Seed and fruit crops both depend on pollination, a process highly sensitive to heat. At elevated temperatures, pollen tubes fail to grow through the female pistil tissues and deliver sperm cells in ovules for fertilization and seed formation. An increase in average worldwide temperatures will thus undermine crop productivity. In this proposal, we propose to study LARP6C protein in tomato, previously identified by the CNRS team, using many state-of-the-art procedures to understand its potential roles in pollen tube growth under permissible and HS temperatures Read more Image Mediterranean wildfires: historical environmental drivers and ecological consequences (MedFires) MedFires is an interdisciplinary project focusing on fire in the Mediterranean Basin. It hypothesizes that naturally fire-prone black pine forest socio-ecosystems (BP-SES) can be sustainable under low-intensity fire regimes but can be profoundly altered under fire suppression or high intensity fires. Read more Image Model Development for Mitigation of Arid Landscape Transformation: Collaborative development of eco-hydrologic model and analysis across the Sonoran Desert and Sahelian West Africa Arid landscape transformation is a pressing global challenge; warmer temperatures and changing precipitation regimes are expected to decrease water supply in many arid locations that are already water limited. This may result in the expansion of arid landscapes and ecosystem changes in existing arid landscapes. Arid and semi‐arid lands cover nearly half the planet - Rapid warming and shifting precipitation regimes threaten already fragile and water limited ecosystems. Read more Image One person’s trash is another person’s treasure – optimizing metal-contaminated plant biomass towards the needs of Green Chemistry Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Read more Image Planar Carbenium F-Element complexes for quantum technologies Quantum Technologies are at the forefront of current research. A significant limitation of the current technologies is the scalability of the spin carriers that feature long coherence time (superposition of states), such as single nuclei, magnetic atoms, or defects. Tailored molecules or Single Ion Magnets (SIM) are a very appealing alternative because molecular engineering shall help solve the scalability issue. Yet, efficient molecular qubits based on SIM remains rare due to fast de-coherence, which is induced by the interactions between the metallic ion and its environment. Read more Image Study of therapeutic effects of 2-photons controlled gene delivery with nanoparticles in uveal melanoma using organoids-on-chip model. Uveal melanoma (UM) is the most common primary intraocular malignancy in adults with different prognostics. Standard of care carries side effects with long-term morbidities, including blindness. There is an unmet need for therapies protecting ocular tissues and preserving vision. This project will address this challenge by combining near-infrared photo-controlled gene-based therapeutic delivery with photonic nanomaterials to investigate focused gene therapy efficacy against UM using a new organoids-on-chip model. Read more Image Targeted in vivo photopharmacological control of cardiac activity Ion channels are expressed in many tissues. Due to their important roles, they constitute one of the most important drug targets for the treatment of diseases such as type-2 diabetes, epilepsy, pain and cardiac arrhythmias. We and others demonstrated that peptides from venoms are promising tools can selectively target ion channels. Read more Image Translational regulations in male fertilization in Arabidopsis thaliana and tomato Reproduction in angiosperms is crucial for seed and fruit production. The mature pollen grain (MPG) germinates and transports two sperm cells into the pistil in a pollen tube, where guided by various signals, it will discharge them into the ovule for fertilization and form the seed. Read more Image Using Clouds and Climates of the Solar System as a Testbed for Exoplanets Seed and fruit crops both depend on pollination, a process highly sensitive to heat. At elevated temperatures, pollen tubes fail to grow through the female pistil tissues and deliver sperm cells in ovules for fertilization and seed formation. An increase in average worldwide temperatures will thus undermine crop productivity. In this proposal, we propose to study LARP6C protein in tomato, previously identified by the CNRS team, using many state-of-the-art procedures to understand its potential roles in pollen tube growth under permissible and HS temperatures Read more
Image 2021 -Rock-plant interactions driving early soil development and landscape evolution The interaction between abiotic and biological processes is crucial to understand the development of life on Earth and the ecosystem services. Natural highly heterogeneous landscapes that support life develop through biological and abiotic processes at the interface of atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere. Despite their importance to natural ecosystems and humanity, we still lack good understanding of the mechanisms of landscape formation. Read more
Image Agency / Expectation / Intention / Opposition / Unpredictability: How language makes sense of influences on our actions Our actions are influenced not only by our own intentions and expectations but also by circumstances, feelings, and norms. Language provides a window into how we conceptualize opposing and congruent influences; moreover, different languages reveal different ways minds can package these concepts. Yet state-of-the-art formal semantic frameworks do not permit a rich representation of influences. Instead, this project's starting point will be a formal framework (causal models) that originated outside of linguistics. Read more
Image aRgumentation tHeory And natural language ProceSSing fOr e-DemocracY (RHAPSSODY) The RHAPSSODY project proposes an automated reasoning platform to extract, understand, and reason with complex arguments. The project is based on combining computational argumentation theory with natural language processing. This approach will identify the most essential arguments listed on debate platforms, estimate the acceptability degrees of these arguments using information mined from the web, and using the totality of the arguments, estimate the decision that will be taken. Read more
Image Atmospheric Structure & Haze Formation On Titan (AtmoHaze) Seed and fruit crops both depend on pollination, a process highly sensitive to heat. At elevated temperatures, pollen tubes fail to grow through the female pistil tissues and deliver sperm cells in ovules for fertilization and seed formation. An increase in average worldwide temperatures will thus undermine crop productivity. In this proposal, we propose to study LARP6C protein in tomato, previously identified by the CNRS team, using many state-of-the-art procedures to understand its potential roles in pollen tube growth under permissible and HS temperatures Read more
Image Beyond the mean: plant functional diversity and the maintenance of rare phenotypes in plant communities Analyzing the drivers of the vulnerability of species and ecosystems to environmental changes is critical. Functional trait ecology has brought standardized protocols to analyze the response of numerous species on a physiological basis simultaneously. However, it lacks a theoretical corpus, which impedes a deep exploration of the underlying mechanisms and limits predictions. Rooted on adaptive dynamics theory, we will focus on the dynamics of local physiological optima and community-level trait distributions (TD) around them and provide theoretical expectations. Read more
Image Chance Constrained Games for Energy Management under Uncertainty We focus on applied problems where it is necessary to make optimal decisions in the presence of risk and uncertainty together with dependence between the random events, where the source of uncertainty is twofold. One component of uncertainty is exogenous and results from substantially incomplete knowledge of important dependent problem data, like demand for goods and services, weather conditions, prices for commodities, high-impact technical failures, and other disruptions occurring with low probability. Read more
Image Cryovolcanism and Space Weathering on Europa Seed and fruit crops both depend on pollination, a process highly sensitive to heat. At elevated temperatures, pollen tubes fail to grow through the female pistil tissues and deliver sperm cells in ovules for fertilization and seed formation. An increase in average worldwide temperatures will thus undermine crop productivity. In this proposal, we propose to study LARP6C protein in tomato, previously identified by the CNRS team, using many state-of-the-art procedures to understand its potential roles in pollen tube growth under permissible and HS temperatures Read more
Image Digital Twin for Surgical Training and Tailored-made Surgery (DT4Surgery) A digital twin (DT) is a model of a real system, which automatically learns and continually updates to represent the dynamics of the system in near real-time, using sensor data that reflect various aspects of its operating conditions, human experts with relevant domain knowledge, and its environment. However, this recent concept does not yet benefit from support tools for its effective implementation. Read more
Image extRasolar lIfe by adVancing Imaging and spEctRoscopy of exoeArth (RIVIERA) Seed and fruit crops both depend on pollination, a process highly sensitive to heat. At elevated temperatures, pollen tubes fail to grow through the female pistil tissues and deliver sperm cells in ovules for fertilization and seed formation. An increase in average worldwide temperatures will thus undermine crop productivity. In this proposal, we propose to study LARP6C protein in tomato, previously identified by the CNRS team, using many state-of-the-art procedures to understand its potential roles in pollen tube growth under permissible and HS temperatures Read more
Image Heat tOlerant TOmato Pollen in Cultivars (HOtTOPIC) Seed and fruit crops both depend on pollination, a process highly sensitive to heat. At elevated temperatures, pollen tubes fail to grow through the female pistil tissues and deliver sperm cells in ovules for fertilization and seed formation. An increase in average worldwide temperatures will thus undermine crop productivity. In this proposal, we propose to study LARP6C protein in tomato, previously identified by the CNRS team, using many state-of-the-art procedures to understand its potential roles in pollen tube growth under permissible and HS temperatures Read more
Image Investigation of atmoSpheric cloud-Particle Interactions with cross-disciplinary student Research Experiences Climate change is an important component of several concurrent global environmental changes that also affect human health – often interactively. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report underscores that our understanding of the links between climate, climate change, and human health has increased considerably in recent decades. However, there are still many gaps in knowledge about likely future patterns of exposure to climatic-environmental changes, and about the vulnerability and adaptability of physical, ecological, and social systems to such climate change. Read more
Image Martian Ice Distribution and Dynamics Seed and fruit crops both depend on pollination, a process highly sensitive to heat. At elevated temperatures, pollen tubes fail to grow through the female pistil tissues and deliver sperm cells in ovules for fertilization and seed formation. An increase in average worldwide temperatures will thus undermine crop productivity. In this proposal, we propose to study LARP6C protein in tomato, previously identified by the CNRS team, using many state-of-the-art procedures to understand its potential roles in pollen tube growth under permissible and HS temperatures Read more
Image Mediterranean wildfires: historical environmental drivers and ecological consequences (MedFires) MedFires is an interdisciplinary project focusing on fire in the Mediterranean Basin. It hypothesizes that naturally fire-prone black pine forest socio-ecosystems (BP-SES) can be sustainable under low-intensity fire regimes but can be profoundly altered under fire suppression or high intensity fires. Read more
Image Model Development for Mitigation of Arid Landscape Transformation: Collaborative development of eco-hydrologic model and analysis across the Sonoran Desert and Sahelian West Africa Arid landscape transformation is a pressing global challenge; warmer temperatures and changing precipitation regimes are expected to decrease water supply in many arid locations that are already water limited. This may result in the expansion of arid landscapes and ecosystem changes in existing arid landscapes. Arid and semi‐arid lands cover nearly half the planet - Rapid warming and shifting precipitation regimes threaten already fragile and water limited ecosystems. Read more
Image One person’s trash is another person’s treasure – optimizing metal-contaminated plant biomass towards the needs of Green Chemistry Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Read more
Image Planar Carbenium F-Element complexes for quantum technologies Quantum Technologies are at the forefront of current research. A significant limitation of the current technologies is the scalability of the spin carriers that feature long coherence time (superposition of states), such as single nuclei, magnetic atoms, or defects. Tailored molecules or Single Ion Magnets (SIM) are a very appealing alternative because molecular engineering shall help solve the scalability issue. Yet, efficient molecular qubits based on SIM remains rare due to fast de-coherence, which is induced by the interactions between the metallic ion and its environment. Read more
Image Study of therapeutic effects of 2-photons controlled gene delivery with nanoparticles in uveal melanoma using organoids-on-chip model. Uveal melanoma (UM) is the most common primary intraocular malignancy in adults with different prognostics. Standard of care carries side effects with long-term morbidities, including blindness. There is an unmet need for therapies protecting ocular tissues and preserving vision. This project will address this challenge by combining near-infrared photo-controlled gene-based therapeutic delivery with photonic nanomaterials to investigate focused gene therapy efficacy against UM using a new organoids-on-chip model. Read more
Image Targeted in vivo photopharmacological control of cardiac activity Ion channels are expressed in many tissues. Due to their important roles, they constitute one of the most important drug targets for the treatment of diseases such as type-2 diabetes, epilepsy, pain and cardiac arrhythmias. We and others demonstrated that peptides from venoms are promising tools can selectively target ion channels. Read more
Image Translational regulations in male fertilization in Arabidopsis thaliana and tomato Reproduction in angiosperms is crucial for seed and fruit production. The mature pollen grain (MPG) germinates and transports two sperm cells into the pistil in a pollen tube, where guided by various signals, it will discharge them into the ovule for fertilization and form the seed. Read more
Image Using Clouds and Climates of the Solar System as a Testbed for Exoplanets Seed and fruit crops both depend on pollination, a process highly sensitive to heat. At elevated temperatures, pollen tubes fail to grow through the female pistil tissues and deliver sperm cells in ovules for fertilization and seed formation. An increase in average worldwide temperatures will thus undermine crop productivity. In this proposal, we propose to study LARP6C protein in tomato, previously identified by the CNRS team, using many state-of-the-art procedures to understand its potential roles in pollen tube growth under permissible and HS temperatures Read more